Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Hero!

I often complaint that my husband never gets me flowers. I dont know why I do that coz I really dont enjoy flower vases, the flowers just wilt away when they can look much prettier when alive on the plants or trees.
And then, he got me this!

I love it! Its cute, alive and releases tiny amounts of oxygen. It adorns my office desk and I love taking care of it, watering and occasionally placing it near the window to make sure its gets some Sun. This gets me few stares and smirks but who cares.My husband became my green hero. No, not The Incredible Hulk, although he looks like one. This is totally romantic.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Beginning

"There is a hero in everybody" . Though it sounds cliched, its true. We all have the power to change something. Notice it does not have "super" in it. We don't need super power. We can do good with a little extra effort. Now, this has gotten a little boring, so I'll stop with my preaching!

Everyday (Almost), I try to do a small difference, in my world, to people around me, to the world in general. In a day I might have stopped myself from using a plastic bag that I don't need or didn't waste water (or didn't crack a stupid joke). Although this might not look like a big achievement it might make a difference if there are 10 more people like me doing the same thing the same day across the world, wont it? Something like the "Butterfly effect".

I'm preparing myself (only mentally) to motherhood. Although the child bearing might take some time, I'm already thinking of the kind of future I'll be giving to my child ( not "children". It can only be singular until I forget the delivery pains of my first one, which may never happen). People (including me) complain about the pollution and how the earth is deteriorating (phew! tough to get that spelling right) everyday. Imagine how much  our kids might complain! Can we (Yes you the one who is already rolling your eyes and vowing never to read this blog) make a change for a better tomorrow? I can! Be the hero! Watch this space! No not the space, this blog silly!