Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cups No Good, Mug Good

Your office tea/coffee counter servers the beverages in the Styrofoam or paper cups and you might think its better than using plastic cups, but there is a even better choice. Yes, Styrofoam is better than plastic or paper, they consume less energy to produce and easily biodegradable. They are the best choice unless you own a MUG. Why not buy a ceramic, porcelain or glass mug and reuse it? Its more hygienic and its personal! Of course, there is a downside of keeping it clean, but that doesn't hurt much.

Styrofoam containers have their own problems. They release chemicals, they cause waste, I've heard that they are bad for bees and bugs, the used cups trap them and kill them slowly. How sad! Everyone knows plastic cups are not good, the paper cups don't help much either, they cause tree felling. The Styrofoam or paper cups are lined with wax which you ingest because the hot beverage in your cup can melt some of it. That's not good for your health!

By owning a mug, you can reuse it, prevents wastage and also help the environment. The Styrofoam or paper cups can be recycled but you can still help save that too! You'll be surprised how much of the Styrofoam or paper cups you use. I drink coffee in my office counter almost twice a day, so I use two Styrofoam/paper cups a day. That's 10 cups a week (excluding weekends) and 40 cups a month! If 2000 employees in my office do that same thing, its 80000, think about all the employees in Bangalore alone, you do the math!! I stopped using these cups. I take my mug to the counter. The counter guy is actually impressed by me and always pours in a little extra coffee. It saves him the cups too. I help save the environment and get extra coffee for free!
Lets do this!

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